Dryer Vent Cleaning
According to a study, more than 15,000 fires are caused every year by lint and other small objects getting trapped in the dryer vent and ductwork which reduces air flow and efficiency.
By prioritizing the maintenance of your dryer vent and ductwork, you not only enhance the safety of your home but also promote energy efficiency and prolong the lifespan of your appliance. Don't wait until disaster strikes—take proactive steps today to protect your home from the preventable danger of lint fires.

Disinfection is essential, but botanical disinfection is just sensible.
How can a disinfectant that is LESS TOXIC than vinegar kill germs? It's about Thyme.
The active ingredient in Benefect is a highly specialized Thyme oil that has natural germ-killing capabilities proven to be equal to the leading traditional ingredients but is Generally Recognized as Safe (G.R.A.S.) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Benefect Disinfectant contains botanically pure plant extracts and has been proven to kill over 99.99% of bacteria, fungi, TB, and HIV. Benefect has been approved by the US EPA as a high-level disinfectant, fungicide, tuberculocide, and Virucide (against HIV-1) that requires no rinsing or wiping after application on any surfaces including construction materials. JUST SPRAY AND WALK AWAY!
Benefect Disinfectant is the first and only Botanical Hospital Disinfectant and Fungicide registered with the EPA.
There are no label warnings or precautionary statements for use or disposal. Personal Protective Equipment is not required, making Benefect Disinfectant the ideal choice for home and business owners and your employees.
Ideal for many applications, including gray or black water damage, mold remediation, body cleanup, carpet deodorizing, and anywhere else germs or odor control is required. You can even use this product on organic matter. Used by industry leading professionals since 2000. Do the job right... the first time.
Benefect is also suitable for nursing homes, hospitals, schools, universities, health clubs, boarding or breeding kennels, sports equipment, food preparation facilities, or any other residential commercial or medical application where high-risk or chemically sensitive individuals may be present.
Features and Benefits:
No mixing or shaking of the product is needed before use regardless of the container size
Remains a stable formula well over the EPA's 2 year requirement
EPA Registered
No PPE Required
Broad Spectrum of Efficacy (Kills of 99.99% of bacteria, fungi, TB, and HIV-1
No rinse or wipe required
Ready-to-use formula
Environmentally Certified - Made from pure botanical and renewable plant extract ingredients

Effects of Acute Exposure:
Eye: No effect as per FIFRA CFR 10 Part 162.10
Skin: No effect as per FIFRA CFR 10 Part 162.10
Ingestion: No effect as per FIFRA CFR 10 Part 162.10
Inhalation: No effect as per FIFRA CFR 10 Part 162.10
More Information
Category Botanical Disinfectant, Disinfectants, Green\Environmentally Friendly, Sanitizers
pH 4.0 - 5.0
Brand Benefect
Application Method Spray, Wet Fog, Wipe\Mop
EPA Registered Yes
Type Liquid
Condition new
Scent Lemon Spice
Xactimate Code WTR-GRMB